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2017 MLB Thread News & Notes

This week(end) in the Major Leagues is being dubbed Players Weekend, where major leaguers will be wearing their nicknames on their jerseys, plus some other knickknacks or so.

It'll be a fun weekend for baseball fans who will get to see their faves as well as cheer on their teams (on a more serious note, of course).

Toronto Blue Jays fans shouldn't expect to see Kevin Pillar with the "Superman" name on his back due to copyright issues, therefore Pillar will be known just as "Pill".  A bit bland for some, but that's the way it's going to be according to what is known. 

Here's an article chronicling the player nicknames many are expecting to see out there:

A little bit of confusion here but it was originally the New York Giants of 1916 that set the MLB record for 26 wins.  But...

Steve Hirdt, executive vice president at the Elias Sports Bureau, explained to Tom Withers of the Associated Press why the Giants' streak is still credited as being 26 straight wins instead of an unbeaten streak.

"It's the longest winning streak, it's the record for most consecutive wins, etc., because a tie game breaks neither a winning streak or losing streak for a team because it always gets replayed unless the season ends first," Hirdt said.

However, according to theAthletic's:

It's been a really interesting season for stories like this. You had the Dodgers win streak then their absolute plummet off the cliff when they finally lost.

Now you have Cleveland up to 22 games and I hope they go on to pass that "record" of the NY Giants (they're guaranteed to lose tonight now).

Pleased for Encarnacion too.

I'm gonna go all in and put my money on the Nationals to win the World Series though.
ALDS all set between the NYYankees & Edwin's Cleveland Indians.

The NYYankees beat the Minnesota Twins Tuesday 8-4 in the A.L WC one-game playoff.


Meanwhile,  the NLDS all set between the Arizona Diamondbacks & the Los Angeles Dodgers.

The Diamondbacks defeated the Colorado Rockies 11-8 iWednesday in a see-saw of a scoring N.L. WC  one-game playoff.

AL East is gonna be tough next year. Yankees look like they might be at the start of something. Red Sox with a new manager and a lot to me. Jays could be looking at playing for 3rd at best and hopefully nabbing that second wild card.
The 2017 World Series is all set for tonight between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros.

How they got there:
The Dodgers defeated the Chicago Cubs 4 games to 1 in the NLCS....


...while the Astros defeated the New York Yankees 4 games to 3 in a thrilling ALCS.

A World Series and a marriage proposal...sweet!


The Houston Astros won their first-ever World Series with a seventh-game defeat of the Los Angeles Dodgers in L.A. this past Monday, in what was a very thrilling World Series between two of the best teams in baseball this year.

Congrats, Astros!

How analytics played a part in the Houston franchise's ascension culminating into WS champions:

Roy Halladay Memorial service/Celebration of Life to be broadcast  this afternoon. (3pm)?  Will be broadcast on all Sportsnet networks.
Anthopoulos was previously the VP of player operations in the Dodgers organization.

Dodgers GM Farhan Zaidi is Canadian-born Phillipine raised, and the  first-ever Muslim GM in MLB.  Zaidi has kept close ties to his Canadian connections via relatives living in Canada.
Gregg Zaun has been fired apparently. CBC is saying it's because of "sexual misconduct".
Nik the Trik said:
Gregg Zaun has been fired apparently. CBC is saying it's because of "sexual misconduct".

Sportsnet is calling it "inappropriate behaviour and comments."
Sad as it is to say I'm not surprised by this. He seems like a "good ol boy" type and it comes across on the broadcast when he gets comfortable and lets his guard down.

They are out for blood right now south of the border with this stuff, was only a matter of time before it hit here.
I was saying to the guys at work the other day that it is to the point now where you don't even want to so much as acknowledge a female co-worker anymore for fear of reprisal.

We had a case at our work a few years ago where my old boss and a close co-worker were suspended from work about a month and nobody would say why. I got interrogated by HR about it, but of course they wouldn't say who made the complaint so it was like fighting the boogeyman because the whole thing made no sense.
I found out much later on it was this young female worker who made false accusations against them as revenge. She was angry because she wasn't hired back. The reason she wasn't hired back is that she wasn't pulling her weight at work and part of the reason was she was having an undisclosed sexual relationship with a fellow co-worker (who also wasn't hired back). I saw the two of them together for a couple years after that so it must have been pretty serious.
Prior to that occurring she had sexually harassed a bunch of guys at work, myself included. It made me uncomfortable at the time, but like most guys would I just brushed it aside as a one time thing and didn't report it.
The whole situation just makes me mad thinking about, as SHE was the one in the wrong, but she played the system to make everyone else's life a living hell. The stain never did leave the guys she falsely accused and to this day HR has no clue what really happened. I run into this individual around town from time to time and she always pretends to not know me at first. When I say hi then she wants to know if I am still working at the same place. She doesn't know that I know and the guilt is all over her face every time.
Long story short, there are always two sides to these things and it's not always the guys fault.
Speaking of two sides to a story, now people are finally listening to women.

One of the least surprising, for sure. Tried too hard to be baseball's Don Cherry, and just came off as a jerk - because, clearly, he's a jerk.
This thing with Zaun had been going on for a long time.  Many of the Sportsnet analysts knew of his behaviour and his comments towards women. It was only a matter of time before some of the female employees there came forward regarding the matter, and rightly so.  If that's the kind of mentality Zaun harboured towards the female gender in general, then that is not acceptable behaviour or attitude. Especially in the workplace (or any place) where the general environment can be made to feel 'uncomfortable' and tense.

What's been happening south of the border illustrates that perfectly. 

As for the situation that Captain Canuck found himself (& others) in, yes, sometimes one can take advantage for their own personal gain or revenge.  But, once again as illustrated by the sexual allegations leveled at the various men such as Matt Lauer, Senator Al Franken, Roy Moore,  Bill OReilly, et al., I don't think one can say that there are two sides to those stories.  Because for most of them, there aren't.

Well, the Yankees are gonna be fun to watch next year eh?

Let's hope for a Judge sophomore slump