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Poker/Online Gambling


New member
As some of you may know, I've recently completed my degree and now I'm in Ottawa pursuing a career as a journalist. I'm writing a feature article on online gambling (kind of vague at this point) for Glue, a student magazine. Thus far, I've interviewed a poker pro who's won over a million in tournaments alone and quite a bit online, a youth gambling addictions counselor here in Ottawa, and another gambling addictions worker, among others. Basically, to get a rounded view on the topic, I really need to speak to someone who's played a lot of online poker (preferably in the Ottawa area, or surrounding) and has lost quite a bit of money - preferably a student.

It has been hard to track down someone who's experienced that, and the one's that have don't particularly want to speak, at least so far. As I'm new to the Ottawa area, I've been struggling finding people/developing contacts, so as a last resort, I thought I'd try here. It's worth a shot.

So if anyone knows of anyone - or hell, is someone - who's lost a lot, or even struggled with online poker/gambling, let me know. I'd really love to speak with them.

I hate to be "that guy" hounding for people with a "problem," but I feel less sleazy here than actually attending one of the meetings. Anyway, any bit of help would be awesome. Thanks.
My cousin lost a lot playing online blackjack for years, then got lucky and won a nice chunk of change which he then decided to quit online gambling and use the winfall for a down payment on a house. I could ask him if you'd like, but he lives in Winnipeg and it'd be a email/phone interview.
Unfortunatly for you (but fortunate for me lol) ive never really lost a huge chunk or anything. Id put on 50-100 for the month, and if I lost it I just wouldnt play..or id go a few months without playing. I did cash for 1700 and change in a pokerstars tournament, and I did the smart thing and cashed it out, then used the money to buy new couches we needed. Not the most interesting news story hahaha
One other part of your story could involve how much money is being used by these gamblers via the credit card route. Just so you could cover all the bases.  :)