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Canadian Federal Election 2025


Well-known member
Is it weird that I kinda miss Jean Chretien? Didn't agree with everything but man he was piss and vinegar.
There’s nothing weird about it. He comes from an era of politicians that do not exist anymore. He truly cares and loves this country and its people.

I’m nothing close to a conservative but I’d say the same thing about Mulroney and even Rene Levesques. True intellectuals with competing ideologies.

If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend watching the documentary The Champions.
Personally I think for PP to have a chance he needs to present himself as less of an attack dog and way more likable, and maybe hope Carney gets flustered during the debates.
Personally I think for PP to have a chance he needs to present himself as less of an attack dog and way more likable, and maybe hope Carney gets flustered during the debates.
Things stink in Cdn politics right now. The Libs screwed a lot of things up and not that long ago PP would have wiped them out but he continues to court the far right groups/media etc and if he just presented and acted more to the middle right he would win in a landslide. I just hate the way he handles himself.
Things stink in Cdn politics right now. The Libs screwed a lot of things up and not that long ago PP would have wiped them out but he continues to court the far right groups/media etc and if he just presented and acted more to the middle right he would win in a landslide. I just hate the way he handles himself.
I cannot believe how wide open the door has swung for the Liberals, PP is just so unlikeable. The family commercials a while back were good. Shocking that he may not win.
Things stink in Cdn politics right now. The Libs screwed a lot of things up and not that long ago PP would have wiped them out but he continues to court the far right groups/media etc and if he just presented and acted more to the middle right he would win in a landslide. I just hate the way he handles himself.
The problem is that the CPC as a whole don’t seem to want to move much towards the middle, largely out of fear of losing their base. They’d gain a lot more votes than they’d lose, but those votes are nowhere near as vocal as those that might abandon them of the PPC.
The problem is that the CPC as a whole don’t seem to want to move much towards the middle, largely out of fear of losing their base. They’d gain a lot more votes than they’d lose, but those votes are nowhere near as vocal as those that might abandon them of the PPC.
It's so odd because it's basically audience capture, but that extremely vocal base is illusory a lot of the time. We saw it with the Dems in the States to some degree. You need a big tent and constant attacking in the way he is just comes off as too strong to build one.

As well I think the Lib ads comparing PP to Trump really proves that he should be pivoting, especially considering the carbon tax attack ads don't make that much sense in the current environment. For transparency this is coming from someone who was probably going to vote PP if Trudeau didn't step down.
"They'll get it all from you sooner or later 'cause they own this f**kin' place. It's a big club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard-working people: white collar, blue collar, it doesn't matter what color shirt you have on."

-George Carlin
The conservative social media strategy seems very similar to Trump's and they've been at it for a few years. Not that Trudeau was a bastion of perfection but that strategy helped knock him down in the polls. Like Trump's, a bunch was not accurate / very misleading. I suppose all politicians do that to some extent but Trump took it to a much more extreme level.