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Significantly Insignificant said:It's a hard question to answer, because I think it falls into the same camp as terrorism. How do you communicate with someone who believes in something so radically different than you that both parties think the other side is insane?
You don't. Or, at least, communicating with them isn't the priority. The priority is coming up with sensible laws that protect people from other people's bad decisions and make it punitive to act in a manner that's harmful to society.
If a whole group of people tomorrow decided they didn't believe in Physics and, as a result, they didn't need to obey the speed limit when driving we wouldn't worry about how to convince them about gravity and how it works, we'd enforce the laws we have on the books and, if necessary, enact harsher ones. They'd get tickets, lose their license and go to prison if they hurt anyone.
Mandatory vaccinations is probably a path you can't go down but what you can do is make it so that choosing to not be vaccinated has real consequences. You don't have the right to go to a movie theatre or concert or even a grocery store if your doing so negatively affects public health.
It's the old legal concept of your right to swing your arms ends at my face.