The flight data recorder would tell all... Like I said briefly after the accident, Russia's aviation standards aren't exactly up to oursf whether it be pilot training, or weight & balance errors, or aircraft maintenance.. whatever. Remember this is a country who
trained one pilot so well that in the mid 90s let his son and daughter (both children) at the controls and they somehow managed to kick off the auto-pilot without him noticing. IIRC, everyone on board was killed... Not quite 100?
Just so everyone knows where I'm coming from... I've worked for an airline for 15+ years now. My sister worked for the same airline for 25 years before retiring. She and her husband both have private pilot's licenses. My Dad was a pilot and owned small planes for most of my childhood... I'm a bit of an airline/aviation brat and have to tell you, there are just some airlines/aircraft I would not travel on.