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RedLeaf said:It's never ceases to amaze me how this stuff always comes up when the team is going through a funk, and hardly ever when the team is winning games. I can almost guarantee the fact that if the Leafs had won 3 or 4 more games this season, and were still sitting in 8th, Burke doesn't get this kind of treatment in the media. But if the team makes the playoffs and get smoked out in 4 straight they'll request his head on a platter then too.
So they base their opinions on Burke based on the performance of the team? What a ravenous bunch of blood crazed monsters!
RedLeaf said:I really cant blame him for losing it with some of these media guys. Were starting to see that the media in this market have no plans to hold tight for any sort of lengthy rebuild. Patience is not part of the language when we're talking hockey in Toronto.
It's really too bad, because I'm sick and tired of the old approach of shipping out rising stars for old ones, who the media love, and who only want to finish out their careers as Leafs for the novelty of it.
I'm sorry but anyone showing little patience for the flawed, failed hybrid approach Burke has taken shows that they wouldn't like it if he'd taken the approach they actually advocate? That's nonsense.