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Tie Domi's book


New member
So Tie put out a book.  One article said that one of the problems with it is he doesn't name names.  Like in this excerpt:

"There are some other good bits, but in the book Domi has an annoying habit of not providing names. For example, he talks about the last year of his career in 2005-06 and how he said a player who was a free agent came to his house to have Domi help him get signed by the Toronto Maple Leafs. He then goes on to write about how the player began acting out, ?like he couldn?t take the pressure?and eventually things came to a head at a team meeting. This guys stood up in front of the team and started criticizing the guys around him. He talked as though he was untouchable and knew all the answers, and acted as though everyone else was the problem. We were stunned, and he just kept going on and on. A lot of my teammates were staring at me in shock. It was the first time Mats (Sundin) ever looked at me as if to say, ?Do something. Now.? When I saw that, I snapped.
? ?Hey,? I yelled. ?Why don?t you shut the hell up? If you don?t have anything good to say, don?t say it. We don?t need any negative B.S. right now. I don?t know what kind of leadership you learned on other teams, because you don?t have any.? ?
Prior to that season, the Maple Leafs signed three free agents ? Eric Lindros, Jason Allison and Mariusz Czerkawski. We?ll let you decide to which one he?s referring."

That was from the hockey news.  He does apperently name names in some cases though

"But that?s not what people who loved Domi as a player want to read. Much of the book is devoted to his life as an on-ice fighter, with some interesting and amusing sidebars that occurred during his career. He talks about one night when he and former New Jersey Devils defenseman Ken Daneyko got into a head-butting contest in a bar, and how in Calgary in 2003, he and a couple of teammates had to force an extremely intoxicated Ed Belfour into a cab to take him back to the team hotel. Belfour continued to resist until Domi had no other choice but to punch him in the face and knock him out cold"

Anyways, it sounds like a good read.
Potvin29 said:
About that 5:00 major in Game 6 in 2002: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CToeiLAWwAEsBlP.jpg

So the OTT whiners were right.  Oh well, to quote another great Leaf, Boo-hoo.
I remember Howie Meeker saying once that Tiger Williams was: "living proof that hair grows on cement". Maybe with Tie its hair grows on Titanium.