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Why Does Sportsnet Suck?


New member
What I can't fathom is how Sportsnet.ca doesn't verify their site when they post new stuff?  They seem like they will be 2nd rate to TSN all the time.  Especially on one of the biggest days of the hockey year.  My example is this link:


EDIT:  Ok so apparently it works in Chrome and IE but doesn't work on Firefox.  Still no excuse for it.
How can you put stuff up on the user-facing site that does work?  And this is not the first time I've come across this on Sportsnet.  Anyone else share the same view?
Have you sent them this question? Not trying to be an ass here, but wouldn't it be better to ask them and maybe they may do something about it?
It seems to work well on Safari (Mac, iPhone, etc).

If they have a "contact us" form (usually customer service), or a "feedback" page where you can voice your concern, it'd be worth it.  I'm sure you're not the only one having problems here with it.

Here is the contact form (from feedback link at the bottom of the sportsnet page):


They welcome any questions, concerns, and/or comments.
hockeyfan1 said:
It seems to work well on Safari (Mac, iPhone, etc).

If they have a "contact us" form (usually customer service), or a "feedback" page where you can voice your concern, it'd be worth it.  I'm sure you're not the only one having problems here with it.

Here is the contact form (from feedback link at the bottom of the sportsnet page):


They welcome any questions, concerns, and/or comments.

So, I do web development as part of my job and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't check that everything works or at least if it's not suppose to work, to put a disclaimer out there that it isn't suppose to work.

There are people who are highly paid to do this stuff.  We are considered the "customers" and customers shouldn't have to tell them how to run a business.  We are customers because they make money off of us each time we view their page due to advertising.  While, yes, I could send them some comments on how it's broken, it's really not my job or responsibility to do so.  They should have a more stringent release protocol that checks to make sure everything is working as it should.  i.e. have some intern click through each page using each browser would not cost the company much money if at all.
McLeaf said:
I think this topic should be moved by mods to off topic but to respond, use chrome it owns firefox

Yes, I would love to use Chrome and I use it at home exclusively, but unfortunately at work I work on a Linux machine which they only support Firefox.  I don't always surf the net at work, but the hockey buzz has increased lately so I've been a bit more interested.