Guilt Trip said:
L K said:
And it?s official MLB doesn?t tolerate steroid users. Congratulations David Ortiz??????????.
Haha, what a joke. As far as I remember Bonds never tested positive for steroids did he? Ortiz did. Greatest home run hitter ever, nope..One of the greatest pitchers ever, nope. The all time leading hitter, nope. Like I said it's a joke.
There are questions around the validity of the series of tests that Ortiz tested positive on. At least 10 of the 104 positive results were deemed to be false positives, but who they were was never released.
Bonds and Clemens not getting in is stupid. I get making them wait - they were basically the poster boys for PEDs, and there are enough corroborating witnesses that the lack of a positive test doesn?t mean much (absence of evidence not being evidence of absence and all) - but that wait should have been 3-5 years, not 10+.