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Highlander said:
Not sure but I think the U.S was the first country to ban anyone from China arriving on mainland on January 31. Subsequently are barring other countries with high rates of infection. So they tried to close the door early than anyone else. Is Mike Pente the guy to lead the way? Who knows.  American Politics is a no win clusterf__k.  The right is so far right its out of site, the Left is so far left, as Bernie has said he is a Socialist.  Perhaps its time for new centrist party that can govern in a balanced way.  I have always said democracy's with over 300 Million people can't really be true democracy's.  Tends to work with smaller populations for some reason.

Ok my Coronavirus Tip;

There is no real way to close the barn-door on this pandemic.  Up to 70% of us will be infected with the Virus, but death rates will be relatively low when compared to other pandemics of the past century. 
The reason for such widespread transmission is that you can walk around for days and days without showing any signs of illness, a certain percentage will not even become symptomatic at all.  With Sars people were becoming ill very quickly, helping identify and contain the transmission.

The best thing for anyone is to try and bolster your immune systems as much as possible.  I would recommend to everyone to start taking NAC every day, up to 1,800mg.  In six years since I started taking NAC I have not had one cold or one flu. I used to get Bronchitis 2 to 3 times a year, ending up on antibiotics  each time.  Not one episode of Bronchitis in 6 years, wonderful. 
By the way, a very good friend of mine who owns a pharmacy urged me onto this product. I listened and am so grateful for his almost demand that I start on it.

Don't take my word for it, do your own research, but it is one of the 10 things on the World Health Organization's list of essential things you can do to increase your immune system. 

Free advice, probably no one will take.
The left in the US is about as far left as the Liberals/NDP. That's not egregiously left as compared to how far right things have shifted in recent decades.
Sanders hasn't advocated for any policy that isn't pretty common in modern democracies. Socialized Healthcare, free college and meaningful investment in renewable energy aren't radical concepts, it's just aligning America with Western Europe ten years ago. It's FDR, Tommy Douglas style leftism that isn't socialist in any revolutionary sense.
Ok then concentrate on what we can control which is what we ingest. I suggested that everyone do their own due diligence. I can only say from my own experience what NAC has done for me, after being recommended by my friend who owns some pharmacies. If it can help others I like to share.  If it can aid me in my families health care against coronavirus then I will use it accordingly. 

By he way Dos Equis is feeling left out in the naming game.

I am not a political animal so won't go there again.
Highlander said:
I can only say from my own experience what NAC has done for me, after being recommended by my friend who owns some pharmacies.

Are they a pharmacist or medical professional?
Sanders calling himself is socialist is as much taking the term that inevitably every Democrat gets labelled with and running with it.  He is certainly pushing social policies but the Republicans and business class view it as a slur to imply communist.

As for Acetylcysteine.  The literature doesn?t support its use for coventional respiratory tract illnesses.  It does not prevent colds or influenza.  The benefit for the drug is as an anti-mucolytic to break down sputum and chest congestion.  It?s primarily used in ventilated patients and as a nebulizes treatment for cystic fibrosis.

It?s pretty harmless as a drug as far as side effects go so certainly not something that causes harm but put it on the shelf with any other OTC antimucolytic.
L K said:
Sanders calling himself is socialist is as much taking the term that inevitably every Democrat gets labelled with and running with it.  He is certainly pushing social policies but the Republicans and business class view it as a slur to imply communist.

As for Acetylcysteine.  The literature doesn?t support its use for coventional respiratory tract illnesses.  It does not prevent colds or influenza.  The benefit for the drug is as an anti-mucolytic to break down sputum and chest congestion.  It?s primarily used in ventilated patients and as a nebulizes treatment for cystic fibrosis.

It?s pretty harmless as a drug as far as side effects go so certainly not something that causes harm but put it on the shelf with any other OTC antimucolytic.
I can only give you my own testimonial, I don't get colds or flu since I started using the product (6 to 7 years now).  Chronic Bronchitis is gone after 2 to 3 episodes a year requiring antibiotic treatment.  Many people are finding other great uses for it;


As said free advice is free, I am the testimonial. Do your own due diligence. Thanks, just trying to help.
By the way if you can find it in eppervesant form, it is even better. For some reason my German and Canadian suppliers are out of stock. I can still get it from my pharmacist friend but he is out of country. Right now I am using Jarret NAC 600MG. 
Nik Bethune said:
Highlander said:
I can only say from my own experience what NAC has done for me, after being recommended by my friend who owns some pharmacies.

Are they a pharmacist or medical professional?
by the way pharmacists are also much more knowledgeable about most of the drugs or supplements they are selling than the M.D.'s prescribing such.
Highlander said:
Nik Bethune said:
Highlander said:
I can only say from my own experience what NAC has done for me, after being recommended by my friend who owns some pharmacies.

Are they a pharmacist or medical professional?
Both, he is also a M.D.

I might go with that next time over "he owns some pharmacies" if you want people to consider it sound advice.

But then again I can only speak for what Dr. Quackenbush's miracle tonic has done for me. It's relieved my humours and put starch in my pencil.
Nik your sarcasm reaches new heights, if this NAC is useful for me, perhaps others will find it as useful, that is all I am saying.
My friend is a complete hands on Pharmacist, not some absentee owner.  As my friend he urged me onto NAC for my liver health.  The lung health by product for me has actually been a revelation. 
For as anyone who has repeated episodes of Bronchitis per year can attest, it is not pleasant at all.

I am done on this topic, up to you all.  I can be personal messaged for any more information on the subject.
L K said:
Sanders calling himself is socialist is as much taking the term that inevitably every Democrat gets labelled with and running with it.  He is certainly pushing social policies but the Republicans and business class view it as a slur to imply communist.

But I think that just speaks to how dishonest and substance-free most political discussions are. People who call Sanders a socialist or the reporters who ask him if he is one aren't interested in a real conversation about what socialism is or what it would entail for people if the President believed in it as a means of economic distribution. All they care about is that it's a word that people have associations with in large part because of the way it's been misused by authoritarian governments over the years.

Socialist policies, whether it's existing ones like social security or proposed ones like single payer healthcare, are broadly popular in the United States. Calling Sanders a "socialist" though is a convenient way for some people to try and score points from people who don't want to talk about substantive things. I think though that Sanders has proven pretty conclusively that he doesn't really care about labels or stated ideology, he wants to talk about public policy and how to actually achieve a more just society.
Highlander said:
Nik your sarcasm reaches new heights, if this NAC is useful for me, perhaps others will find it as useful, that is all I am saying.

Well, no. What you said is that it was the best thing for everyone to do with regards to ongoing fears about a potential pandemic. Which is crazy irresponsible.
Nik Bethune said:
Highlander said:
Nik your sarcasm reaches new heights, if this NAC is useful for me, perhaps others will find it as useful, that is all I am saying.

Well, no. What you said is that it was the best thing for everyone to do with regards to ongoing fears about a potential pandemic. Which is crazy irresponsible.
I also said for everyone to do their own due diligence so everyone is responsible for their own decisions.
It was fun watching the Supreme Court vote remotely to ban mail in voting extension for Wisconsin during their elections.