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Lone Gunman Kills at Least 12 (38 wounded) at Midnight Batman Screening

Since his lawyer is looking for the crazy plea, it doesn't surprise me that he would show up with orange hair and eye's wide open for the photo.

I'm not saying the guy is not wacked, because you have to be to do what he did, but I don't think he is too crazy to stand trial IMO.
BlueWhiteBlood said:
I'm not saying the guy is not wacked, because you have to be to do what he did, but I don't think he is too crazy to stand trial IMO.

Pretty hard to get a handle on how crazy he is from a distance though.
Nik? said:
Pretty hard to get a handle on how crazy he is from a distance though.

THat's true, but, insanity pleas often don't mix well with the kind of premeditation that appears to present here. From the sounds of things, he started the ball rolling in May. He may end up getting institutionalized instead of jailed, but I doubt he gets away with the "not mental fit to stand trial" aspect of things.
bustaheims said:
THat's true, but, insanity pleas often don't mix well with the kind of premeditation that appears to present here. From the sounds of things, he started the ball rolling in May. He may end up getting institutionalized instead of jailed, but I doubt he gets away with the "not mental fit to stand trial" aspect of things.

I'm not the person to say on that. To me, a total layperson, that just strikes as him being crazy for a long time as opposed to an insufficiency of craziness. Even then, though, the way I understand the laws is that he'd still be institutionalized if he was found unfit to stand trial.
TheMightyOdin said:
Its stuff like this that makes me consider arming myself in public.

Gun sales were up 42% or something like that from the previous week in America. 

Because you know, there is a pletheroa of evidence that guns "save lives"
L K said:
TheMightyOdin said:
Its stuff like this that makes me consider arming myself in public.

Gun sales were up 42% or something like that from the previous week in America. 

Because you know, there is a pletheroa of evidence that guns "save lives"

That's another thing, is there ever a situation where someone owning a gun has been used to stop something bad happening?  I mean, are there stats somewhere that show how often guns are successfully used in self-defence?
Potvin29 said:
L K said:
TheMightyOdin said:
Its stuff like this that makes me consider arming myself in public.

Gun sales were up 42% or something like that from the previous week in America. 

Because you know, there is a pletheroa of evidence that guns "save lives"

That's another thing, is there ever a situation where someone owning a gun has been used to stop something bad happening?  I mean, are there stats somewhere that show how often guns are successfully used in self-defence?

I'm having a hard time seeing good data on the stuff.  I tried to do a bit of reading on the subject and all of the "guns save lives" stuff seems to be a lot of anecdotal polls about people using guns to stop "attacks"...but attack doesn't actually automatically = threat.
Potvin29 said:
That's another thing, is there ever a situation where someone owning a gun has been used to stop something bad happening?  I mean, are there stats somewhere that show how often guns are successfully used in self-defence?

There was a story - I can't find right now - about a jewelry store owner stopping like three robberies by killing the robbers. It's pretty crazy. The guy had a ton of guns behind his counter.

Other than that though, I don't think there are any compelling studies save for a few anecdotes on either side of the debate.
L K said:
Potvin29 said:
L K said:
TheMightyOdin said:
Its stuff like this that makes me consider arming myself in public.

Gun sales were up 42% or something like that from the previous week in America. 

Because you know, there is a pletheroa of evidence that guns "save lives"

That's another thing, is there ever a situation where someone owning a gun has been used to stop something bad happening?  I mean, are there stats somewhere that show how often guns are successfully used in self-defence?

I'm having a hard time seeing good data on the stuff.  I tried to do a bit of reading on the subject and all of the "guns save lives" stuff seems to be a lot of anecdotal polls about people using guns to stop "attacks"...but attack doesn't actually automatically = threat.

It's hard because every situation is unique and there is no way to go back in time to see how differently each situation plays out.
L K said:
I'm having a hard time seeing good data on the stuff.  I tried to do a bit of reading on the subject and all of the "guns save lives" stuff seems to be a lot of anecdotal polls about people using guns to stop "attacks"...but attack doesn't actually automatically = threat.

It wouldn't surprise me if for every situation where someone else having a gun helped prevent an attack there are 5 situations where someone else having a gun made the situation much more dangerous/deadly.
TheMightyOdin said:
L K said:
Potvin29 said:
L K said:
TheMightyOdin said:
Its stuff like this that makes me consider arming myself in public.

Gun sales were up 42% or something like that from the previous week in America. 

Because you know, there is a pletheroa of evidence that guns "save lives"

That's another thing, is there ever a situation where someone owning a gun has been used to stop something bad happening?  I mean, are there stats somewhere that show how often guns are successfully used in self-defence?

I'm having a hard time seeing good data on the stuff.  I tried to do a bit of reading on the subject and all of the "guns save lives" stuff seems to be a lot of anecdotal polls about people using guns to stop "attacks"...but attack doesn't actually automatically = threat.

It's hard because every situation is unique and there is no way to go back in time to see how differently each situation plays out.

Just paint yourself green, and tear up your clothes.
FWIW: Believe me, there are a lot of us here who wish the US was a lot more like Canada in some ways. National health care and rational gun laws topping the list.

What is most frustrating to me is how my party, which is supposed to be the more liberal, has totally folded on the gun issue. It is dismaying to see how Obama has backslid on this. Nobody will stand up to the NRA.