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Mayor Rob Ford

Rick said:
CNN BREAKING NEWS ALERT:  Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted to reporters today that he smoked crack cocaine. The admission by Ford comes two days after he said he wouldn't resign despite reports that police have video showing him smoking a crack pipe.

Breaking news on the biggest media source in the world...

But he just won't succumb to the pressure, because, damn it, he's just that type of guy. You know, the best mayor anywhere, of all time and ever. Puff..puff..puff
Top story on buzzfeed, too. BUZZFEED GUYS, OKAY??

Seriously though, what a complete and utter gong show. It boggles my mind that there really isn't a way that he can be easily removed from office given all the stuff he's pulled in the last 3 years...
Potvin29 said:
Doug Ford: "if you think Princess Diana's chase was bad, you should've seen the media chasing them the other day."

Stay classy.

He knows Diana died, right?  ...right?
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
I think it's sad that there's no mechanism to keep this guy away from city hall.

There is a motion is council to limit his powers for the remainder of the term, though.  It'll get voted on sometime in December...
Omallley said:
Seriously though, what a complete and utter gong show. It boggles my mind that there really isn't a way that he can be easily removed from office given all the stuff he's pulled in the last 3 years...

Well, maybe that will be Ford's one real success - exposing a major flaw in the municipal system in Toronto. There should be a much simpler way to remove a mayor from office in situations like this that doesn't involve having to get the Provincial or Federal government to step in.
Does Doug Ford still want the police chief to resign or does he finally realize that maybe they had some evidence on Rob and it's not all a witch hunt?
Wow, what more can you say? You can't make this stuff up.

The biggest question now is who will play Ford in the movie?
Beowulf said:
The biggest question now is who will play Ford in the movie?


He already plays a somewhat similar character in Under The Dome.
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Corn Flake said:
Ford is about to make another announcement.

I'm guessing it's about what a wonderful job he's doing and he's not about to step down.

Well he did already say that today after his crack admission.  This must be something else. There's a podium and everything this time!
Corn Flake said:
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Corn Flake said:
Ford is about to make another announcement.

I'm guessing it's about what a wonderful job he's doing and he's not about to step down.

Well he did already say that today after his crack admission.  This must be something else. There's a podium and everything this time!

It must be to announce the new HBO reality series, "Canada's Crack/Pot Mayors"
I haven't followed this at all and just read about it for the first time in the NYT, where it's on the front of the webpage just now.

Thinkin' you guys might want to hit the re-set button on your mayordude.
Corn Flake said:
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Corn Flake said:
Ford is about to make another announcement.

I'm guessing it's about what a wonderful job he's doing and he's not about to step down.

Well he did already say that today after his crack admission.  This must be something else. There's a podium and everything this time!

The Ford Brothers Crack off.  Help join Rob and Doug in their quest to shed crack.  Unfortunately this campaign would probably go about as well as his weight-loss challenge.
So he pretty much said absolutely nothing.  "I'm sorry" but seriously guys.  We need to move forward from this.  The past is the past and I'm the mayor.
Well, as someone who's lived with an addict, that felt like all the empty and hollow apologies I've heard many many times.
Well, that's an interesting precedent to set for public employees: just say you're soooooper doooooper sorry, and you can keep your job, no matter what you did!
Stickytape said:
Well, that's an interesting precedent to set for public employees: just say you're soooooper doooooper sorry, and you can keep your job, no matter what you did!

If his apology is good enough for Ian from Etobicoke, it's good enough for me!