Jalili said:
Tigger said:
I don't know if he overplayed, in fact given that Turris/agent just managed to let the hockey world know he wants out and has a contract after using the leverage he did have ( Dec 1 ) I think he played what he was dealt pretty fair.
That depends on how one looks at it, because it was the Turris camp that conceded, not Maloney. The contract that was on the table all along, dating way back to September, is the one they ended up settling on. According to Lebrun that is...
If Turris and his agent were planning on pushing the envelope to Dec. 1 then the 'concession' as it were was an acceptable loss in terms of their strategy from the beginning of it's inception. He wasn't trying to get a better contract, he was trying to get out
and he may have a better chance at that now.
I think all that's left is to help Maloney save a little face in the process.