Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate said:
Now, that consideration is entirely separate from whether the Star guy got any information that is of real medical value, and whether he could have reasonably expected the mother of the player to provide any information that is of real medical value. IMO I think what he got was an opinion that is only marginally more value than any opinion you and I could form given the information that has been publicly disclosed about the nature of his injury.
Well, the way I understand it is that the question wasn't about medical specifics but rather was along the lines of "What have you been told?". That's a question just about anyone is qualified to answer. In the context here, where there are some allegations being thrown around that the Leafs are being secretive or hiding the truth then asking someone "is what they're telling you the same as what they're telling us" doesn't require a medical degree. Even if those allegations are bogus, asking someone in the know is a way to get to the bottom of it.
Now that I think of it, I think you could probably make a case that Mrs. Reimer reacted pretty reasonably. It's got to be frustrating to see her son, in his first full season, sidelined with an injury that nobody can really diagnose or put a return date on. Even if the team is being 100% accurate and truthful I can see being upset by that.
Because of that I think that Feschuk may very well be really wrong in framing her answer more as a criticism of the Leafs, which it kind of came off as, and less as a natural reaction to a frustrating situation.
But the question itself? Eh, it's fair.