Bender said:So the answer to your idiocy is to taunt the board? To be quite frank with you I'm ok with a new frequent poster every couple of years who posts with the quality that Herman does over a new frequent poster every day who posts self centred, ignorant and inflammatory remarks that, in all honesty, only worsen this community, not better it. I've been here for over 10 years, and many have been here 20. If you don't like this community feel free to find another one that more closely resembles posters like you, because it's clear that the only opinions you care about are your own.TBLeafer said:The room. Where its been 2 years since your last regular poster (herman) joined.
Ever wonder why? I see a bunch in 2015, but nobody who decided to stick around. Ever wonder why?
Perhaps maybe the overall air of NEGATIVITY you guys create and seem to feed of?
That's the room I read, currently.
How is combating a perceived insult (even if none was intended), by being insulting not hypocrisy?
Case in point.

Simply not true. I come to places like this FOR other opinions.
But I won't be one to follow the crowd even if the masses here hold to an archaic belief that no longer holds true to new agers in today's society, beyond the fact that their elders told them it is so, even though it currently holds no personal meaning for them.
I speak from experience, not racism.